Apester Launches Analytics to Measure Content Performance

It’s an exciting day for storytellers! Apester, the interactive storytelling platform, launches Analytics, allowing data-savvy publishers and marketers to track their content performance. We believe that monitoring content consumption is essential to create better content and higher engagement.

Analytics offers a broad set of metrics that let you view the whole picture around engagement and monetization of each content piece created within the Apester platform. With Analytics, creators can now accurately track the performance of stories, polls, quizzes, personality tests or interactive videos across locations and platforms.

Insights available with Apester Analytics:

  • Measure revenue by Apester content
  • Review your content engagement over time across multiple metrics such as CTR, completion rate, impressions and slide views.
  • Compare engagements created by Apester Stories and compare to quizzes and polls.
  • Drill down to see engagements by country, channel, domain or platform to see which unit or brand produced the highest engagement or revenue..

Go to your dashboard to see Analytics

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